In Ghaziabad’s Khoda area, a young man attempted to end his life by jumping into the Hindon River. Just in time, DS Negi from Indirapuram arrived...
A tragic incident took place at Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital (GTB) in Delhi, where a patient named Riyazuddin was shot and killed. The police revealed that...
Three shooters from the Bhau Gang, who fired shots at the Burger King in Rajouri Garden, Delhi, were killed on Friday. The Delhi Police Crime Branch,...
You can now book Delhi Metro QR tickets through Amazon Pay! This new feature gives DMRC commuters another convenient option for getting their travel tickets. In...
A SpiceJet employee named Anuradha Rani was arrested at Jaipur airport after she slapped a CISF officer. The incident happened because Anuradha refused a security check,...