The bus lost control and crashed into multiple vehicles near Bengaluru’s Hebbal bypass, CCTV footage shows that the bus driver...
In Lucknow, a man named Sanjay Maurya urinated on the face of Rajkumar Rawat, a Dalit laborer, while he was sleeping in the afternoon. This shocking...
A wave of panic hit a town in Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday when a ten-foot crocodile emerged from a canal and made its way into a...
A startling video from Lucknow has gone viral, capturing a commotion in a VVIP apartment near the Vikalp Khand-3 Malhaur police post in the Vibhutikhand area....
In a heartwarming display of support, a retired government official in Kanpur welcomed his daughter, who had recently divorced, back home with a lively celebration complete...
In Delhi, a 14-year-old girl was attacked by a classmate with a blade during lunchtime outside a government school. The attack left the victim with severe...
So, you know how elephants are these gentle giants, right? Well, sometimes they can get really mad and cause chaos. There’s this crazy video going viral...
School is a crucial and cherished time in a student’s life, with years passing by swiftly. After studies, comes the farewell, a time of joyous goodbyes....
In a jaw-dropping incident captured on social media, a guy decided to turn the Signature flyover in north Delhi into his personal stunt arena, performing daredevil...
A tragic incident occurred in Rohini on Saturday when a DTC electric bus went rogue and ended up colliding with a bunch of vehicles, including parked...